is a comprehensive directory dedicated to connecting individuals with clinics offering free or affordable dental care across the United States. It’s important to note that before accessing these dental services, you must reach out to the clinics directly to arrange appointments or obtain any additional information you may need. Our primary mission is to guide you towards affordable dental care by providing detailed listings and resources on clinics near you. However, we are not affiliated with any clinic and cannot assist with appointment scheduling.
Our directory features clinics offering low-cost or free dental services, specifically aimed at helping those who may delay dental treatment due to financial constraints such as lack of insurance or high co-pays.
Please be aware that only a limited number of free or low-cost programs are universally accessible. Many are contingent on factors like government assistance eligibility, income level, location, or age. Additionally, most programs implement a sliding fee scale based on your financial capability.
At, our goal is to help you locate these vital dental services by providing comprehensive details about each clinic. We are committed to continuously expanding our directory and updating our site with the latest information
We value your feedback and suggestions. If you encounter any inaccuracies, outdated information, or errors, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at